Aldo Scafoglieri
Aldo Scafoglieri (ORCID:0000-0002-9692-9513) is an assistant professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He is also member the Frailty in Aging research (www.vub.ac.be/FRIA) research group. In 2013 he was awarded with an international chair in Clinical Anatomy. In 2017 and 2020 he was awarded with an international chair in Musculoskeletal Anatomy. In 2020 he was granted the Excellent PhD supervisor Award of the Doctoral School of Life Sciences and Medicine. He is the director of the Master-after-Master, Postgraduate and International Manual Therapy programs (https://www.vub.be/opleiding/manuele-therapie#over-de-opleiding-). Aldo Scafoglieri is an expert in functional body composition and biomechanics research methodology. Aldo Scafoglieri published >100 full articles in international peer reviewed journals and presented >60 times at internationally established conferences. H-index (citations): ISI 12 (>700), GoogleScholar 15 (>1100).
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